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Our "T-Shirt Design Contest" is back!!!

Design our Spring/Summer 2025 T-Shirt and win $200 in gift cards plus ten free shirts.

We are ready to make a new t-shirt for 2025 and we want to use a design made by you (or someone you know)! If you are not an artist or a graphic designer, feel free to pass this email along to someone who is. Somebody is going to win $200 in gift cards (for the best meat around) PLUS 10 of the T-Shirts once they are made.


We have zero requirements for what will be on the shirt. You decide what you want to do and we'll pick the design we like the best!! You can submit design ideas for the front and the back of the shirt.

You might want to put on the shirt:

"Farmingdale Meat Market"

"The Finest Meats Since 1946"

"Family Owned & Operated For Three Generations"

"We Put The Sizzle In Your Steak"

"Meat Eaters Make The Best Lovers"

These are not requirements, just phrases to inspire design ideas.

We look forward to all of the great submissions.

Please read the contest rules if you are interested...


1. All submissions must be received by March 31, 2025 

2. All submissions must be emailed to as a high-resolution JPG or PDF file. You MUST be able to email a high-resolution file to be considered for the contest. (No pieces of paper or physical artwork can be accepted as submissions.) Please put "T-Shirt contest 2025" as the subject of your email. Please include your name and preferred contact method in the body of the email along with your submission.

3. Up to three submissions allowed per person. Please send each submission as its own email.

4. We are giving you permission to use our logo or any other images from our website for this contest...but for this contest only! No unauthorized using of our logo please!!

5. Employees and family of employees of Farmingdale Meat Market and Main Street Wholesale Meats are not eligible for this contest.

6. Your prize/compensation will be 10 of the 2025 T-Shirts in whatever sizes you like plus $200 in gift cards for Farmingdale Meat Market in whatever denominations you like.

7. By submitting your design (even if you don't win), you are giving us permission to use the design on our website, on social media sites, in our store and on the final T-Shirt that is produced. The T-shirt will be sold in our store as well as given out to employees, customers and for other promotional purposes. Your prize (see #6 above) is the complete and final compensation for the artwork.

8. If we receive many good entries, we reserve the right to open up the contest to a vote. It is possible that we will display three different designs on the web or social media (without any names attached to them) and ask our email list subscribers to vote for their favorite design. By entering this contest, you are giving us permission to use your design in a vote.

Please email with any questions you might have.

Again: The deadline is March 31, 2025 to get your design in for consideration.

A few sample designs from years past...